Andrew King ROI IEA EAGMA 

My method of working often begins with quickly and freely painted small oil panels produced on location.  I sometimes build upon these initial studies in my studio, using them to produce larger works while trying to retain the freshness and spontaneity of the original oil sketch.  My aim is always to attempt to capture a sense of movement, or change in the landscape.  The coastline and landscape of East Anglia provides much of my inspiration, but I enjoy painting in Italy, France and further afield.


Andrew was awarded a David Murray Scholarship (Landscape painting) from the RA School, upon graduation from a BA Fine Art Degree. He has held several solo exhibitions, including shows at Thompson's Gallery, Aldeburgh and the Portland Gallery, London.  
A full member of the prestigious Royal Institute of Oil Painters since 1992, he has shown at many of the Royal Society exhibitions in London including The Royal Society of Marine Artists, New English Art Club and the Discerning Eye.

His work has been purchased for royal, public and private collections including HRH Princess Michael of Kent, The House of Lords, Rt. Hon. Sir Tony Baldry MP,  Sir Clement Freud and  Lionel Blair.

He is also a member of the Institute of East Anglian Artists.

Barges off Buttermans Bay